transport międzynarodowy, usługi logistyczne

Establishing a lasting and satisfactory business cooperation with a partner from abroad is often a long and complicated process. Logistics Concierge is a new position that we established in 3CARGO to help you go through all logistics processes smoothly and hassle-free.

Entrepreneurs are a constant source of inspiration for us – their ambitious plans, business courage and willingness to implement more and more original ideas. We often accompany them on this path of development towards new, often exotic markets, supporting, advising and suggesting the best logistics solutions.

The more and more frequent need of our clients to have a trusted person who will help them go through complicated procedures, collect the necessary documentation and plan the most advantageous transport options, was an impulse for us to introduce a new service – Logistics Concierge.

Our Logistics Concierge is your logistics advisor, who will pay attention to the needs of your business with the utmost care and attention, devote time to analyzing your idea for import or export in terms of logistics, and advise you on the best and most advantageous solutions on the logistics services market. All of this is based on your priorities and with concern for your interests.

The scope of activities of our Logistics Concierge includes:

  • advising on import / export permits in accordance with the regulations in force in a given country;
  • intermediation in contacts with relevant authorities;
  • organization of transport (including selection of the most appropriate means of transport);
  • customs clearance;
  • current information about the status of the entrusted order;
  • consultations with the use of our wide network of relationships and contacts, built for years with partners from all over the world.
What can you need Logistics Concierge services for?
  • Do you have an idea for a business with a partner from Peru, but don’t know where to start?
  • Would you like to import exotic wood from Bali?
  • Have you completed a business deal in the USA, but you are still facing import bureaucracy?
  • Are you creating a product that is not available on the Scandinavian market?
  • Are you fascinated by Chinese handicrafts?
  • Do you think that the original Australian boomerangs will find their buyers on the your market?

These are just a few examples of the cases our Logistic Concierge has assisted with ?

How can she help you?

Finally, the best – by entrusting the logistic aspects of your project to our Logistics Concierge, you gain much more – the support of an advisor who will be available to you directly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

We encourage you to contact Dorota Dziergas – Logistics Concierge at 3CARGO.

Your idea + our strategy = Achieving your goal

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